AZ Sint-Maarten: Support our healthcare staff AZSint-Maarten is a sizable hospital in the Mechelen region (Belgium) with five acute geriatric, psychogeriatric, and orthogeriatric care units. It has one of the area’s most extensive geriatric care ... May 9, 2023
WZC Gerstjens: 80% more falls detected Turning on the first smart Nobi lights in the residential care facility Gerstjens at the end of 2021 was a significant moment considering a prior development phase of two years. In the pilot project, ... May 6, 2023
Florentina (85): Living at home longer thanks to Nobi To live at home in a dignified and independent way, we can increasingly count on smart, supportive technologies. Nobi Smart Lights focus on fall detection and prevention for safe and happy living. Fol... Apr 29, 2023
The American dream becomes a reality for Nobi thanks to a new office in New York Nobi in the Big Apple Barely one year after the initial pilot project, Nobi lights are successfully being utilized in residential care facilities in Belgium, the Netherlands, England, Germany, Switzer... Apr 28, 2023 News
Nobi brings older people closer to technology with ingenious product design Fall incidents are the leading cause of fatal injuries among older people. Out of every three people over age 65, one falls at least once a year. Most fall detection systems aren’t used in 80% of case... Apr 28, 2023 News